

Lulu got a lawyer daddy who also has a wife, a pack of rescue dogs and a big ranch! She’ll fit in perfectly and get to roam and explore like she was meant to. Congratulations Lulu!



This happy family had a sad dachshund who was missing their other dog who’d recently passed away. Joy (the black pup) is aptly named and they are keeping her name because she brings joy to their family and to their dog. Yay! Mom Renea says “She has been with us for almost a week, she’s…



Mableton was the last of her litter to get a home, which we couldn’t understand. She’s adorable AND sweet. Her wait is over now! She gets a family with four kids and one four-legged brother plus a big fenced yard she can use to run and play for the first time in her short life!…



A woman named Brooke looking for a Beagle mix meets one named Brooke! It’s meant to be! Brooke and her new mini-me hope to do some hiking together and bring some fresh energy into the home so her aging dog (the fluffy one) can have a new leash on life! Best wishes Brooke and Brooke!…