

I thought you might like an update. Some things were very clear from the first: he has a wonderful attitude, is very energetic and friendly, and he and my Sasha both decided to be best friends. See attached picture. Thanks for a wonderful dog! ~ Joanna



Our sweet girl, Paige (we kept the name you gave her), is a wonderful dog.  We adopted her 2010.  We are so happy you rescued her!  Paige is a great communicator, using many “voices”.  She and my husband sing together every morning!  She also lets him know as soon as the paper arrives, and won’t…



Isis (ex-Ambrosia) is doing great.  She is a wonderful cat.  Very sweet and quite playful.  She spends most of her looking out the windows and napping.  She’s very animated when chasing her favorite toy (a good old-fashioned string) and is very vocal when she’s ready to play.  She’s funny in that she follows me around…



We adopted Buddy from ya’ll back in ’07 and he’s still with us, sort of our “elder statesman.” Thanks for helping my boys fall in love with dogs. Jon has his own dog now, Paisley, named after Brad Paisley, half border collie and half black lab, and Caleb has Duke the Puppy, half German Shepherd and half Siberian…



We wanted to provide your team an update on Kiki (formerly known as Oreo). She is an amazing, friendly dog. She LOVES playing with other dogs at the dog park, hiking, and hanging out with family. She is gentle and everyone thinks she’s so cute! We are hoping to make it out to the lake…