

We’ve got the warm fuzzies about this adoption. We pulled Star from Cobb County Animal Control because they were full. Star’s a shy and sweet 70-lb gal. She never made a peep at adoption events or in her cage at the shelter. Happily, her gentle manner caught the eye of this family who sent us…



Clyde was feeling mighty lonely after his sister Bonnie was adopted last week. He perked up at his Petsmart adoption event debut. Then he got downright giddy when this family picked him as their new furry kid! Congratulations to all!



And BonBon makes three! This is the first dog for these two as a couple and they were so happy to take BonBon home. BonBon now goes by Lucy and is doing great with her new family. Thank you for adopting!



Toffee is the first dog for this young lady and her husband. They just moved here from Pennsylvania so can explore our state with their new furry friend. Toffee gets two cat siblings our of the bargain too.