Hamilton & Yale

Hamilton & Yale

A very excited woman came in to meet Hamilton and Yale.  She had intended on only adopting one kitten, but once she found out how much they loved each other, she couldn’t leave one behind.  She couldn’t wait to get them home to spoil them with love and toys, but she stopped for a moment…



A woman who was out searching for her own missing cat, happened upon Boss, and took him home with her.  She brought him to the vet for a check up and to get his vaccines, because she intended on adding him to her family.  Unfortunately the resident cats did not take kindly to a new…



Sally got a new family! Mom says everyone already loves her and Sally’s doing great. Sally’s new dad works from home so she has someone to hang out with almost all the time. We love the picture of Sally curled up on her new bed in her new home. Those first few nights of relieved…



Junior came our way when his owner dumped him and his “brother” Buford from their car then sped off.  The dogs held no grudges so we tried not to too. Junior believes when one door closes (even if you’ve just been tossed out it) another one opens. He’s right since this happy lady, Lora, opened…