

A year ago we celebrated the adoption of Lily, who’d been waiting a year for someone to want her. Since she was people-focused and calm, she’d just sit there and look into your face and many potential adopters were intimidated (though Lily was usually thinking, “Do you have a cookie?”) Lily turned out to be…



Used by a breeder until she was considered too old, then tossed out of his vehicle on Highway 400 like trash, Mavis never knew love. Until now. Welcome to the life you always deserved, Mavis! Congratulations on your new home and family. We’re all rooting for you! Thank you so much for adopting Mavis!

Tiggie & Tillie

Tiggie & Tillie

This gentleman (with some help from his sis) came by to adopt a friend for himself and his black lab. They chose Tillie as the perfect playmate. But they could hear Tiggie crying from her cage during the meet-and-greet. Sis said, “You know you can’t leave that sad sister here!” So it became a package…



The internet’s a wonderful thing. This family browsed adoptable dogs online, honed in on Raven as “the one” and filled out the adoption application – all from the comfort of their living room. Luckily they liked what they saw when they met her in person too so now Raven gets to share that comfortable home…