Zsa Zsa

Zsa Zsa

Good things come to those who wait politely! Zsa Zsa has been such a polite and patient dog and a pleasure to have around as she waited for a forever family. Her wait is over and we’ll miss her but we’re happy for her and this cute group! Congratulations and thank you for adopting!



Occasionally we rescue a dog who struggles to be adoption-ready. Their bad prior life rendered them tricky to re-home. Harley was part of a neglect/hoarding case. She’d been kept in poor conditions for so long that when we rescued her, she had no idea how to respond. As a result, some of our volunteers walked…



Denver has had a rough start in his short kitten life. He started out on the streets and ended up at the county shelter with his brother. Both were lucky to be adopted a few months ago. Unfortunately for Denver, the senior resident cat was not up for rough housing with a kitten. We don’t…



This couple saw Pancia online and fell in love. They weren’t able to come to our adoption event on Sunday, so they made arrangements to meet her on Monday at our vet office. They decided that they couldn’t leave without her and signed on the dotted line. Happy purrs to Pancia and her new mom…