What to look for when Adopting a Rescue Dog

What kind of dog should I adopt?

Many different types of dogs are available for adoption, including puppies, adult dogs, purebred dogs, mixed breeds, and even special needs animals like blind dogs, deaf dogs, and diabetic dogs. Some people prefer adopting a puppy because it requires less work and training, and others adopt an adult dog to allow the animal to mature into adulthood. Still, others opt for a mix of both options.

Regardless of what kind of dog you decide to adopt, there are some things to consider before making the big decision. First, do you know how much time and energy you will devote to caring for the dog? Do you have enough room in your home for a large dog? Will you be able to provide proper nutrition and exercise for the dog? Are you prepared to deal with medical issues such as fleas, parasites, and diseases? If you answered yes to all those questions, then congratulations – you’ve found the perfect dog for you!

You might consider adopting a smaller breed if you answered no to one or more of those questions. Or maybe you should look into fostering a dog while you figure out whether you want to commit to owning a full-time companion.

Where did the dog come from?

The first question people ask about adopting a dog is, “Where did it come from?” This is understandable because most people fear getting a puppy from a shelter or rescue group and are worried that the dog might be sick, injured, or dangerous. But there are some excellent reasons why someone might give away a dog without knowing anything about them. Here are three common scenarios where dogs find themselves in shelters and rescue groups:

1) The Owner surrendered the Dog

People surrender their pets when they cannot take care of them anymore. They might be sick, old, injured, or too lazy to care for them. The most common reason is that the Owner is moving out of the house. Other causes include financial problems, divorce, the death of a family member, etc.

2) A Dog Was Abandoned and Found

Sometimes people abandon pets because they don’t know how to care for them properly. Sometimes they do it out of spite. And sometimes, they do it because they don’t have enough money to keep a pet. Whatever the reason, abandoning a dog is never a good idea. If you decide to take in an abandoned dog, ensure they get medical treatment immediately. You could save a life by doing so.

3) The Owner Passed Away

If a person dies unexpectedly, their family members often feel overwhelmed by grief and don’t know what to do next. One option is surrendering the deceased Owner’s dog to a local animal control agency. Another option is to contact a reputable animal welfare organization like one of these organizations:

How many homes has this dog already had?

A study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science found that dogs who have gone through multiple home environments are likely to take longer to adjust to new owners. Some dogs will never adapt well, which could mean you need to give your dog extra time to learn how to live with you.

The researchers examined data collected from over 2,500 dogs that went through five different homes. They wanted to see whether there was a correlation between the number of homes a dog had lived in and how long it took him to become comfortable around his new Owner.

They discovered that dogs who had moved three times or more needed about six months to adjust to their new situation. However, those who had only moved once required four weeks to feel settled.

It’s important to remember that each of these dogs has a unique backstory; some have been through more than others. Dogs in several homes may have difficulty adjusting to a new environment and may also have behavioral issues that need to be addressed. If you’re willing to do the extra work, a dog with multiple previous homes can make a great companion. But if you’re not sure you’re ready for the challenges, you might want to consider adopting a pet with fewer homes.

Breed Characteristics

Rescue dogs make excellent pets and are typically grateful for a second chance and create loyal, loving companions. However, choosing a rescue dog that best fits your individual lifestyle and personality is essential. Some people may be drawn to certain breeds of dogs, while others may be open to any dog. There are a variety of things to consider when making this decision, such as how much space you have in your home, the temperament of the dog, whether you have other pets, and if you live in a city or suburb.


One of the first things you should consider when adopting a rescue dog is size. Do you have enough space in your home for a large breed? Are you looking for a smaller dog that can easily travel with you? Breeds such as Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers are typically on the larger side, while breeds such as Yorkies and Shih Tzus are smaller. There are also medium-sized breeds, such as Staffordshire Bull Terriers and Boxers. Consider what size is best for your home and lifestyle before deciding.


Another essential factor to consider is temperament. Some breeds of dogs are known for being more high-energy, while others are more laid-back. If you have other pets in your home, you will want to ensure that the rescue dog you choose gets along well with other animals. Breeds such as Beagles and Basset Hounds tend to be very friendly, while Pit Bulls and Rottweilers breeds can be more aggressive. Consider what kind of temperament best fits your personality and lifestyle before deciding.

Living Situation

Another factor to consider is your living situation. If you live in a city or crowded suburb, a small breed of dog may be the best fit for you since they don’t need a lot of space to run around and can easily travel with you on public transportation or in a car. If you live in a rural area or have a large yard, a giant dog breed may be the best fit for you since they will have more room to run around and explore. Consider your living situation before making your decision.

There are various things to consider when adopting a rescue dog, such as size, temperament, and living situation. By taking the time to research which breed or breeds of dog would be the best fit for your lifestyle and personality, you will set yourself up for success in finding the perfect four-legged friend!


There are many different types of personalities in dogs. Some dogs are amiable and easygoing, while others are shy. Some breeds are known for their aggressiveness towards humans or animals, such as Pit Bulls, Rottweilers, Doberman Pinschers, German Shepherds, and Chow Chows. Other breeds like Golden Retrievers, Labradors, Cocker Spaniels, Shih Tzus, Beagles, Boxers, and Bull Terriers are generally considered gentle and loving.

If you’re looking for a family pet, you’ll want to consider getting a breed that fits your lifestyle. For example, if you work long hours, you might choose a species that doesn’t require much exercise. On the other hand, if you enjoy spending time outdoors, you might want a breed that requires plenty of outdoor activity.

Separation Anxiety is Common

Separation anxiety is common among dogs, and they may become anxious when left alone for extended periods. This can lead to destructive behaviors such as chewing furniture or destroying things around the house. If you notice your dog exhibiting any of these symptoms, it’s essential to take action immediately.

Owners should try to give their pet something to occupy themselves during separation. A favorite toy or blanket can help keep them busy while you’re away. You can also use a crate or kennel to provide some comfort.

If you decide to separate your dog from you, ensure you don’t leave him unattended. He could quickly run out into traffic or fall downstairs. Make sure he has plenty of water and food. Also, consider taking him to a local animal hospital to ensure his safety.

Does this dog get along well with children or strangers?

When looking for a rescue dog, it’s important to consider whether the dog gets along with children or strangers, as this can indicate anxiety or mistrust. If rescue dog has been properly socialized, they will likely be more relaxed around new people and situations. However, if rescue dog has not had much exposure to different people and environments, they may be warier of them.

Talking to the rescue organization about a particular dog’s history and temperament is important before deciding to adopt them. Most rescue dogs can learn to trust and feel comfortable around new people and experiences with proper care and training.

Does this dog get along with other dogs or other pets?

A study published in PLOS One found that dogs who don’t get enough exercise are less likely to be friendly with other species. Researchers analyzed data from over 2,000 pet owners and found that dogs who didn’t receive enough physical activity had lower odds of being friendly toward other animals. They also had lower odds of being interested in playing with other animals.

The researchers believe that socialization is key to ensuring that dogs get along well with other animals, including humans. It’s recommended that people bring their dogs to a local animal shelter before bringing them home. This way, they can interact with other dogs and see what kind of relationships they form.

What is the dog’s health status?

There are many things that we should consider when choosing a pet. We should ensure that our new companion is healthy enough to live with us. The first thing we should check is the animal’s health status. Some diseases are prevalent among dogs. If we adopt a dog from a shelter, we cannot tell whether they have these diseases. So, we should ask the shelter workers about this issue, and they can give us the required information regarding the health status of the animals they keep.

It is also essential to check the vaccination record of the dog. Vaccination records help us know whether the dog has been vaccinated against certain diseases. In an emergency, we should contact our vet immediately, and our vet can provide us with the necessary treatment and medication.

Age of a Rescue Dog

Deciding whether to adopt an older or younger rescue dog is a decision that prospective pet owners often face. Both options have pros and cons, and the ultimate decision comes down to the individual’s preferences and needs.

One of the main benefits of adopting an older dog is that they are typically more mellow and more accessible to train than a young puppy. Additionally, older dogs often already know basic commands and have some house training under their belt. This can make the transition into their new home much smoother for the dog and their new family.

Older dogs also tend to be less destructive than puppies, as they have usually outgrown the chewing phase by the time they are adopted. This can be a relief for pet owners not interested in dealing with a dog who chews up everything in sight! Additionally, since they are not full of boundless energy like puppies, older dogs typically require less exercise – another plus for busy families or those who do not have access to a lot of open space.

Of course, there are also some drawbacks to adopting an older dog. One is that they may come with medical issues that need to be considered before adoption. Additionally, it can take longer for an older dog to bond with its new family than a puppy. Ultimately, whether or not to adopt an older or younger dog is up to the individual adopter – each has its unique benefits and drawbacks.

When deciding whether to adopt an older or younger rescue dog, it is essential to consider both the pros and cons. Older dogs typically require less exercise and are easier to potty train than puppies, but they may come with medical issues and take longer to bond with their new family. On the other hand, puppies require more exercise and may be more destructive than older dogs but are typically full of energy and love. Ultimately, whether or not to adopt an older or younger dog is up to the individual adopter – each has its unique benefits and drawbacks.

Will the shelter or rescue return the dog if the return doesn’t work out?

A reputable rescue will take dogs home at any time for ANY reason. They are not obligated to give a reason why they want to bring the dog back. If you don’t like the dog, it’s okay to say no. But if you agree to adopt the dog, you should know that there could be circumstances where the rescue wants to take the dog back. This sometimes happens because the animal needs medical care or the adopter cannot provide adequate care. In some cases, the rescue might even decide to keep the dog temporarily while looking for another adoptive family.

Please consider Adopting a Rescue Dog.

Rescue dogs are an excellent option for anyone looking to adopt a new furry friend. Many things to consider before taking the plunge, but each dog is unique and special. With patience and understanding, you can find the perfect rescue dog that fits seamlessly into your family. So please, consider adopting a dog today – they’ll be sure to thank you for it!

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