China Girl
China girl has been adopted!
China girl has been adopted!
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
Dusty came our way recently when his owner passed away and had no back up plan for his pets. At age12 and with severe hair loss due to flea infestation we were prepared to have Dusty with us good long while. Happily, fate intervened. This fantastic family saw Dusty at our mobile adoption event Saturday…
Here’s another set of siblings who’ll get to watch each other grow up. Vienna and Vivianne were spotted at Petsmart last weekend and this family came back for them yesterday. Hurray! Two less homeless pets! Thank you.
Sweet Harrod went home with his new family!
Rita’s finished living life in the fast lane! She was one of the three dogs we took in who’d been rescued off busy Interstate-20. Now she’s headed home! Rita got a great home with this active animal-loving family. Rita caught their eye because of her resemblance to their dog who’d recently passed away. Rita passed…
Icy got a warm welcome from this couple who decided to make room for one more in their home! Congratulations to the entire family and thank you for adopting!
This cute family stopped to “window shop” and left with a new friend! Rodi the wire-haired dachshund loves everyone so we know she will fit in well in her new home and enjoy playing with the Maltese the family already has. Thank you for ADOPTING!