Mr. Cheeky (formerly Chico) was my first foster dog. I was determined to find the very best home for him and I did. It just happened to be mine! He was at Homeless Pets because his owner fell on hard times and was living out of her car. Now he greets me and my husband at the door with a big smile on his face. Literally! He pulls back his lips and shows his teeth in a wide happy grin. He only does this when we come home from work. It makes for a warm welcome! He’s a constant bright spot in our lives! -Leanne Thomassen (HPF Volunteer)
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
Clementine was born into our program. We rescued her mom when she was pregnant and she was one of the six babies. This lovely lady came a few times to see some of our kittens and finally chose Clementine. She will be spoiled by her new parents and will have some grandchildren coming to visit…
This gentleman (with some help from his sis) came by to adopt a friend for himself and his black lab. They chose Tillie as the perfect playmate. But they could hear Tiggie crying from her cage during the meet-and-greet. Sis said, “You know you can’t leave that sad sister here!” So it became a package…
Brulee came into our program with his mama, Creme. He has gone from being babied by Creme to being babied by his new human family. Best wishes to the little guy! Thank you for adopting.
Saturday’s Dog Olympics were fun, and fruitful for Astro who got a home out of the deal! Thanks for everyone who came out to participate. We had some pooped volunteers and worn-out dog athletes afterward — it was all worthwhile. Congrats Astro! Thank you for adopting!
Sometimes adoptions don’t work out and we treat those as opportunities to learn more about the animals. Reason found life with a house full of kids too frenetic so came back into our program. This time the timid guy will have just one teen brother to hang out with so should fit right in. Thank…