Foster homes are great for so many reasons, one being that they sometimes end up adopting their foster animal! Congratulations to Swiss Roll, who went home with this kind gal and her husband a while back. Swiss Roll needed to be in a home to recover from a urinary tract infection (he’s all better now). He was crying in pain and we hated the idea of him holding in his bladder as he sat in the cage at our shelter. Emily reports that Swiss Roll is a great house guest and gets along well with her cat too! Thank you for fostering and adopting him!
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
Piper was born in one of our foster homes, adopted out as an itty bitty kitten, then four years later she was returned because her pet parent was going off to college and the parents didn’t want to keep her. Thank you to this sweet couple for giving Piper her second chance at a forever…
Precious, timid Honey scored at her very first adoption event! Hurrah for Honey who got a wonderful new family and a furry friend named Oreo to play with too! Honey and Oreo – sounds like a sweet combo! Thank you for adopting!
Peaches, our special needs kitty with autoimmune disease, found her angel on Sunday. We love all of our adopters, but the ones who adopt our special needs babies have a special place in our hearts. Happy purrs sweet girl!
Three more of Paisley’s puppies have flown the coop! Clockwise: Panda went to a home where he’ll be best buddies with a Great Dane and hang out with his new dad who’s training to be a police officer. Mr. Keating bonded with his puppy even before he met or saw him! His daughter-in-law and son…
Long time HPF resident, Stewie (solid black kitty), went into a trial adoption a couple of weeks ago. We’re happy to report that his new mom signed on the dotted line this past Sunday. Stewie is officially part of the family. Happy purrs sweet boy!