

Sweet surprise for this little girl! Mom and dad had already met and been approved to adopt Rubble as a new family member and companion for their own rescued cattle dog mix. To add some fun to the process, they didn’t tell their daughter what they’d done and took her to our facility on a…



Thank goodness not everyone’s pet criteria is “small” and “fluffy”! Brinks is neither but he’s a perfectly precious pup! This 60+ lb. pit bull found himself running out of time and options at a local animal control facility. We stepped in to rescue him and he’s waited the last 7 months for someone to want…



This family was so great. They fell for Easton at our adoption event two weeks ago. When we explained that Easton needs time to warm up to people, they didn’t walk away but accepted him the way he is. Not every dog is a “just add water” type. Some need extra assurance and time before…



After recovering from the worst of a bad wreck, this lady decided she needed a friend to keep her motivated with exercise, a companion to keep her company and someone to love. Bama is happy she picked her! (And she’ll get more used to being picked up and bear-hugged!). Thank you for adopting, not shopping!



From pitiful to pampered in a matter of months. Rosa was rescued from a cruelty case in November. She was skin and bones. Despite everything, she showed she still had trust in humans and would try to crawl in your lap and curl up like a dog a quarter of her size! Craig saw Rosa…