25 Lucky Dogs Sent To NY
25 lucky dogs/puppies made the voyage to our rescue partner in Bideawee, NY via our Underhound Railroad.
25 lucky dogs/puppies made the voyage to our rescue partner in Bideawee, NY via our Underhound Railroad.
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
Check out our new Homeless Pets Transport van. Using our great new van, we’ll be moving our doggies and kitties to adoption sites each weekend. Feel free to wave and honk if you see us around town! Thank you so much for your support!
The Sope Creek Elementary School’s Pet Club put on a Fun Run/Fundraiser for us, and everyone had a great time.
On February 29, 2016 – 28 dogs made the trip from Marietta, GA to Milwaukee, WI
Petfinder.com Foundation furnishes funds to protect shelter dogs from canine flu. TUCSON, April 13, 2011 – Homeless Pets Foundation, Marietta, now has help in protecting dogs against canine influenza virus (CIV), a highly contagious disease that spreads easily from dog to dog, especially those in close proximity. The shelter received a grant for the vaccines…
Dr. Good attended Cheatham Hill’s pet club meeting and brought with some adorable puppies for the kids to play with.
Power fundraisers in the making! These little sweethearts, Elle & Kate Merchant decided to raise money for our animals. They put together a lemonade stand and raised $107! Great job girls! They even created and had printed their own adorable shirts for the cause. We appreciate you Kate and Elle!