

Joe Brown, Lockheed Martin engineer, and his wife Laura were biking on the Silver Comet Trail one Saturday and found a little puppy sleeping in the middle of the road all by herself. The animal lovers could not pass by & leave her there so they picked her up & took her home. She had…



Cheeto’s new mom and dad are smitten. They say that he’s the best cat they ever had, he’s spoiled and gets to eat dinner in bed sometimes, and is working on his fishing skills (for the fishies sake we hope he doesn’t succeed!). It’s a happy ending for us and a happy beginning for them.



In late December, my husband and I adopted Willem whom we have renamed Wilson, Kittenhead, and L’il Bits.  No doubt, over the years he will earn any number of other nicknames. He is shown here in the middle of play time with Bogie, our other fur baby.  Wilson was close to 6 months old when…



We rescued Nikko after his owner turned him over with parvovirus.  He was named Dosier back in the day.  He is doing amazing now, we have had him almost a year.  He’s rocking training with the guys at Tenasity and is my new office companion.  We LOVE him!  -Deidre Vandenbos



We adopted Sylvester just recently, and as you can see from the picture, he is feeling right at home.  His new best friend is a toddler who asks about him as soon as she wakes up every morning.  They play ball together every day, and he is always happy to help clean up whenever she…