Athena was featured on 11Alive news one night soon after Kaye and I moved from Florida to the Atlanta area. She had been shot in both front legs and thrown in a sewer. Someone heard her cries and contacted Animal Control. Animal Control responded, freed her from the sewer and took her to T&C. Dr. Good treated her injuries and we fostered her while she recovered and soon adopted her. She was approximately 3-4 months old at the time. She is now 10 and sleeps with us every night. Her eye sight is started to decrease as well as her energy level but she is and always will be a survivor and my Baby Girl! -Dean and Kaye Nipper
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
Foster homes are great for so many reasons, one being that they sometimes end up adopting their foster animal! Congratulations to Swiss Roll, who went home with this kind gal and her husband a while back. Swiss Roll needed to be in a home to recover from a urinary tract infection (he’s all better now)….
Cassie came to stay with Homeless Pets Foundation in December of 2010 as an owner surrender. She was so despondent not knowing why she had lost her owner after 7 years to end up alone & lonely in her cage. All the volunteers tried to cheer her up but nothing worked, after 6 months we were…
This lovely lady spotted Rebel and could see he was no such thing. It was love at first sight for both and she announced her plan to spoil this sweet guy rotten! Good plan! Thank you for adopting!
Cher has found her way home! Cher became homeless months ago when her owner passed away. She was so loyal she had to be carried away from her departed owner’s side. Her reward for all that was to be left at animal control. We took her in and now the Sharp family has come to…
This gent is hoping to do some leisure travel next year and is planning ahead by hunting for a fun travel partner. He got one in Ichiford! Safe travels fellas! May you have many happy experiences together. Drop us a postcard or two along the way.