Brody’s Luck Turns Around

While driving to work one day on Wednesday, October, 2010, a Good Samaritan, Erik, passed an apparently dead dog laying in the median of a busy Atlanta, GA highway. When he took one last look at the poor dog in her rear-view mirror, he saw the dog raise its head. The dog was still alive! Erik turned around and drove back to rescue the dog, and rushed him over to Town and Country Veterinary Clinic. Dr. Good evaluated the dog, a Pug, who was barely conscious, emaciated, dehydrated, matted with burrs and infested with ticks, and had likely been on his own for weeks. Because of his dislocated pelvis and front leg, major head swelling, and numerous scrapes and bruises, the dog couldn’t stand or walk. He would have suffered and died in the hot sun that day if not for his rescuers.

Within two days, Brody had begun to recover and could sit up. Erik and his wife offered to foster the dog, now named Brody, until he could find a home, and the Homeless Pet Foundation covered the medical costs for treating Brody. He has since been adopted! Brody is a very lucky dog!

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