
Published by Leanne Thomassen · June 14, 2016 ·

Creme captured my heart the first day I met her. I came to the shelter to photograph her and her puppy, Brulee. They were in the same cage. I took Brulee out first and went outside with him for his photo session. In the meantime, the kennel staff had put breakfast in all the cages. Creme could have gobbled down the whole bowl of kibble she’d been served but instead she only ate about 3/4 of it – saving the rest for her baby! Without even saying “hey thanks mom!”, he immediately gobbled the portion she’d saved for him when we put him back. Kids!

This couple must have seen that sweet heart shine through in Creme’s pictures because they found her online and completed an application to adopt, sight unseen!

We know they will live happily ever after

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