Happy Tails: The Story of Cassie

Cassie came to stay with Homeless Pets Foundation in December of 2010 as an owner surrender. She was so despondent not knowing why she had lost her owner after 7 years to end up alone & lonely in her cage.

All the volunteers tried to cheer her up but nothing worked, after 6 months we were afraid that she may succumb to her depression.

One day a volunteer struck up a conversation with a neighbor in the local grocery store about Cassie and the other dogs needing love at the clinic.The neighbor John, decided on the spot that he would come help walk the dogs at the shelter that day. John went to visit Cassie first and was surprised to discover that he recognized her as belonging to a former coworker!

Cassie ended up not getting walked that day, she was adopted immediately by John and whisked away to her new forever home.

Now she has a stay-at- home Mommy and 2 young boys that lavish her with love all day long. She even has doggie playmates that come visit her and a favorite chair to sleep in, when she is not playing hide & seek with visitors in the window. The joy simply glows on this dog’s face nowadays, evidence that just a little love and a simple chat with a neighbor can transform an animals life. This is the kind of happy ending that all of us at Homeless Pets Foundation work towrds achieving. Come volunteer and reap the rewards of saving lives and completing families.

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