Lex (pup on right) went home with a family a couple of months ago. Dad was adamant that Lex retain his foster status and not become dog # 2.
Lex first won over Gus, the family’s dog who’s an HPF alumnus. Brother, then mom were next to fall under the spell of Lex’s charms. Dad held out as long as he could but finally caved after Christmas. Don’t feel bad, Dad, seems no one is immune to Lex’s appeal!
Congratulations to Lex and his new family. Thank you so much for keeping this little guy safe and sound by fostering then adopting him!
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
We adopted Miss Mae (formerly Bella) from the Homeless Pets Foundation in July 2012. She was only seven weeks old and had been left by herself in a box outside of a Wal-Mart before being turned in to Homeless Pets. Now almost two, Miss Mae is such an important part of our family and we…
Hello! I recently adopted Blue and wanted to just share that she is doing amazing! She was in Homeless Pets and stole my heart. She plays with my other dogs and loves going for walks. Blue loves the dog park and running around like there is no tomorrow. She has chewed up a remote, three…
Laverne & Shirley went to a new foster home a couple of weeks ago with a woman who had lost her cat but wasn’t sure if she was ready to adopt. Turns out she was! It didn’t take her long to fall for these sweet girls. She signed on the dotted line on Sunday. Happy…
Charlie was surrendered by his owner, then adopted within days, but returned because he and the kids weren’t a good match. He was snapped up a couple of days after being returned and we’re hoping the third time is the charm. Looks promising! Congrats and thank you for adopting this little guy!
Gidget’s gone home! Looks like Dad’s outnumbered by the feminine persuasion in this household. I can think of worse things. 🙂 Enjoy life with your new family, puppy. Thank you for adopting!
When our cat passed away after 15 years, we decided to adopt another cat. We chose Carmen. She is a young, feisty girl with plenty of catitude! She quickly “claimed” her domain and set forth establishing the hierarchy with the four dogs. It didn’t take them long to realize who was now in charge. -Dean…