Chevy Found A Loving Home

Chevy’s past is a mystery. He came into the Homeless Pets Foundation at 32lbs back in March…as a full grown boxer. To say the least, he was severely emaciated and needed nutrition! With some love from Homeless Pets and a great new family, he’s now a strong, healthy 75lbs of pure love 🙂

Chevy’s new mom, Kristi had these kind words:

“We work with rescues up here in Ontario by fostering as well, so we also appreciate every effort you make to save these dogs and give them a second chance in life. We work with Su every once in a while, so that is how I met my Chevy and it was love at first sight. He wiggled his way over to me and I told Su that second that he would be going home with us 🙂 We adopted our first guy from Su and we foster for her, so she just shook her head and handed me Chevy’s paperwork. We have now had Chevy since April 5th and I have loved every second with him.”

“We live in a small town about 2 hours north of Toronto, Ontario with a Mastiff/Boxer (another rescue dog), 2 cats, our 6 year old son and my husband and myself. Chevy is the perfect fit in our family and he has truly become my “baby” .. he is attached at my hip 🙂 He is the MOST affectionate dog I have EVER met and we really love him. He has the funniest personality too .. he is quite humerous and playful. Him and our other dog just love each other. They play play play all day long. Chevy’s also very sure of him self .. to say the least lol .. he sure does make us laugh. He is always making sure every foster dog knows that I am HIS mommy .. and HE is the boss .. LOL .. what a guy he is. Typical boxer .. that’s for sure.”

“We also wanted to send our thank you to anybody and everybody who helped Chevy along his way to his forever home, here in Canada with us. I couldn’t imagine our lives without my sweet Chevy .. so thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and saving this sweet soul :)”

As told by: Kristi, Darin & Matthew, Ivan, Chevy & the 2 cats 🙂

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