Dogs are surrendered by their owners for many reasons, most often not because the dog did anything wrong. Kris was surrendered after his owner started having to travel for work and felt guilty leaving Kris in boarding so much.
Kris came into our program Monday night and was adopted in 12 hours without even getting listed online. Yowza! Wish they all were in such demand. Congrats to him and his new family!
Dr. Phil Good, owner of Town & Country Veterinary Clinic, received his Bachelor of Science with highest honors in Chemical Engineering from Georgia Tech in 2006. Phil finally came to his senses, realizing he’d much rather work with animals than in a chemical plant. Dr. Good obtained his doctorate in veterinary medicine from UGA in 2011.
Chevy’s past is a mystery. He came into the Homeless Pets Foundation at 32lbs back in March…as a full grown boxer. To say the least, he was severely emaciated and needed nutrition! With some love from Homeless Pets and a great new family, he’s now a strong, healthy 75lbs of pure love 🙂 Chevy’s new…
Long time HPF resident, Stewie (solid black kitty), went into a trial adoption a couple of weeks ago. We’re happy to report that his new mom signed on the dotted line this past Sunday. Stewie is officially part of the family. Happy purrs sweet boy!
Unwanted litters of the world UNITE! It’s National Puppy Day! Hurray! Power to the puppy. Gadget picked an appropriate week to get adopted, eh? Congratulations baby! Thank you for adopting.
Brittany was looking to adopt a running buddy and while this short-legged Corgi/Jack Russell Terrier mix may not be able to take long strides he’s got drive and energy to spare, not to mention great looks! We wish them many magical miles together! Congrats Sparky! Thank you for adopting Brittany!